Creating a map renderer from scratch

In this article, you will learn how to create a Map renderer from scratch using different game programming libraries: SDL 2, Allegro 5 and raylib. In this article we will assume that you are already proficient with one of these libraries, have a working version installed or are able to compile it by yourself.

We will be using a map from Tiled’s examples: rpg/island.tmx. That particular map features a single Tileset defined in its own TSX file, several Layers, Objects and animated Tiles.

Initial set-up

Unfortunately as in any project we have to start with the usual boilerplate code to initialise libraries, create a display (window), and the main loop.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <tmx.h>
#include <SDL.h>
#include <SDL_events.h>

#define DISPLAY_H 600
#define DISPLAY_W 800

static SDL_Renderer *ren = NULL;

Uint32 timer_func(Uint32 interval, void *param) {
  SDL_Event event;
  SDL_UserEvent userevent;

  userevent.type = SDL_USEREVENT;
  userevent.code = 0;
  userevent.data1 = NULL;
  userevent.data2 = NULL;

  event.type = SDL_USEREVENT;
  event.user = userevent;


int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  SDL_Window *win;
  SDL_Event ev;
  SDL_TimerID timer_id;

    fputs(SDL_GetError(), stderr);
    return 1;

    fputs(SDL_GetError(), stderr);
    return 1;

    fputs(SDL_GetError(), stderr);
    return 1;


  timer_id = SDL_AddTimer(30, timer_func, NULL);

  while (SDL_WaitEvent(&ev)) {

    if (ev.type == SDL_QUIT) break;

    render_map(map); // Function to be implemented


  return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tmx.h>
#include <allegro5/allegro.h>
#include <allegro5/allegro_image.h>
#include <allegro5/allegro.h>

#define DISPLAY_H 600
#define DISPLAY_W 800

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  if (!al_init() || !al_init_image_addon() || !al_init_primitives_addon()) {
    fputs("Cannot initialise the Allegro library", stderr);
    return 1;

  display = al_create_display(DISPLAY_W, DISPLAY_H);
  if (!display) {
    fputs("Cannot create a display", stderr);
    return 1;
  al_set_window_title(display, "Allegro example");

  equeue = al_create_event_queue();
  if (!equeue) {
    fputs("Cannot create an event queue", stderr);
    return 1;

  timer = al_create_timer(1.0/30.0);
  if (!timer) {
    fputs("Cannot create a timer", stderr);
    return 1;

  al_register_event_source(equeue, al_get_display_event_source(display));
  al_register_event_source(equeue, al_get_timer_event_source(timer));

  while (al_wait_for_event(equeue, &ev), 1) {

    if (ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_CLOSE) break;

    render_map(map); // Function to be implemented


  return 0;
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tmx.h>
#include <raylib.h>

#define DISPLAY_H 600
#define DISPLAY_W 800

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  InitWindow(DISPLAY_W, DISPLAY_H, "raylib example");
  if (!IsWindowReady()) {
    fputs("Cannot create a window", stderr);
    return 1;


  while (!WindowShouldClose()) {
    render_map(map); // Function to be implemented


  return 0;

Now we can load the map and check for errors. libTMX offers several means to load a map, we will be using the simple tmx_load() function.

tmx_map *map = tmx_load(argv[1]);
if (map == NULL) {
  tmx_perror("Cannot load map");
  return 1;

The tmx_load() function returns a pointer to a datastructure that contains all the map informations.

Now the map is loaded, except it is not entirely loaded, we need to load all the images referenced by the map. We could navigate the map datastructure, and for every image we meet, load it. But libTMX offers an easier way to do that without the hassle: callback functions.

libTMX can use two callback functions to delegate the image loading and image freeing to your library/engine.
One callback to load: tmx_img_load_func.
One callback to free: tmx_img_free_func.
These callbacks must be set BEFORE you call any load function.
void* SDL_tex_loader(const char *path) {
  return IMG_LoadTexture(ren, path);

/* Set the callback globs in the main function */
tmx_img_load_func = SDL_tex_loader;
tmx_img_free_func = (void (*)(void*))SDL_DestroyTexture;

tmx_map *map = tmx_load(argv[1]);
/* ... */
void* Allegro5_tex_loader(const char *path) {
  ALLEGRO_PATH   *alpath = NULL;

  if (!(alpath = al_create_path(path))) return NULL;

  res = al_load_bitmap(al_path_cstr(alpath, ALLEGRO_NATIVE_PATH_SEP));


  return (void*)res;

/* Set the callback globs in the main function */
tmx_img_load_func = Allegro5_tex_loader;
tmx_img_free_func = (void (*)(void*))al_destroy_bitmap;

tmx_map *map = tmx_load(argv[1]);
/* ... */
void* raylib_tex_loader(const char *path) {
  Texture2D *returnValue = malloc(sizeof(Texture2D));
  *returnValue = LoadTexture(path);
  return returnValue;

void raylib_free_tex(void *ptr)

/* Set the callback globs in the main function */
tmx_img_load_func = raylib_tex_loader;
tmx_img_free_func = raylib_free_tex;

tmx_map *map = tmx_load(argv[1]);
/* ... */


It is better to load the image into a Texture that can be drawn directly without overhead.


Rendering a map is quite simple, clear the display to the background colour, then draw all the layers.

void set_color(int color) {
  tmx_col_bytes col = tmx_col_to_bytes(color);
  SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ren, col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a);

void render_map(tmx_map *map) {
  draw_all_layers(map, map->ly_head); // Function to be implemented
ALLEGRO_COLOR int_to_al_color(int color) {
  tmx_col_floats res = tmx_col_to_floats(color);
  return *((ALLEGRO_COLOR*)&res);

void render_map(tmx_map *map) {
  draw_all_layers(map, map->ly_head); // Function to be implemented
Color int_to_color(int color) {
  tmx_col_bytes res = tmx_col_to_bytes(color);
  return *((Color*)&res);

void render_map(tmx_map *map) {
  draw_all_layers(map, map->ly_head); // Function to be implemented

In the datastructure, all the layers are stored in a Linked List ordered from background to foreground, to make it easier to draw these layers in the correct order:

void draw_all_layers(tmx_map *map, tmx_layer *layers) {
  while (layers) {
    if (layers->visible) {

      if (layers->type == L_GROUP) {
        draw_all_layers(map, layers->content.group_head); // recursive call
      else if (layers->type == L_OBJGR) {
        draw_objects(layers->content.objgr); // Function to be implemented
      else if (layers->type == L_IMAGE) {
        draw_image_layer(layers->content.image); // Function to be implemented
      else if (layers->type == L_LAYER) {
        draw_layer(map, layers); // Function to be implemented
    layers = layers->next;

Image Layers

This is a simplistic implementation, as it lacks support for the offsetting and the opacity properties to be complete.

void draw_image_layer(tmx_image *image) {
  SDL_Rect dim;
  dim.x = dim.y = 0;

  SDL_Texture *texture = (SDL_Texture*)image->resource_image; // Texture loaded by libTMX
  SDL_QueryTexture(texture, NULL, NULL, &(dim.w), &(dim.h));
  SDL_RenderCopy(ren, texture, NULL, &dim);
void draw_image_layer(tmx_image *image) {
  ALLEGRO_BITMAP *bitmap = (ALLEGRO_BITMAP*)image->resource_image;
  al_draw_bitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, 0);
void draw_image_layer(tmx_image *image) {
  Texture2D *texture = (Texture2D*)image->resource_image;
  DrawTexture(*texture, 0, 0, WHITE);

Tile layers

void draw_layer(tmx_map *map, tmx_layer *layer) {
  unsigned long i, j;
  unsigned int gid, x, y, w, h, flags;
  float op;
  tmx_tileset *ts;
  tmx_image *im;
  void* image;
  op = layer->opacity;
  for (i=0; i<map->height; i++) {
    for (j=0; j<map->width; j++) {
      gid = (layer->content.gids[(i*map->width)+j]) & TMX_FLIP_BITS_REMOVAL;
      if (map->tiles[gid] != NULL) {
        ts = map->tiles[gid]->tileset;
        im = map->tiles[gid]->image;
        x  = map->tiles[gid]->ul_x;
        y  = map->tiles[gid]->ul_y;
        w  = ts->tile_width;
        h  = ts->tile_height;
        if (im) {
          image = im->resource_image;
        else {
          image = ts->image->resource_image;
        flags = (layer->content.gids[(i*map->width)+j]) & ~TMX_FLIP_BITS_REMOVAL;
        draw_tile(image, x, y, w, h, j*ts->tile_width, i*ts->tile_height, op, flags); // Function to be implemented
void draw_tile(void *image, unsigned int sx, unsigned int sy, unsigned int sw, unsigned int sh,
               unsigned int dx, unsigned int dy, float opacity, unsigned int flags) {
  SDL_Rect src_rect, dest_rect;
  src_rect.x = sx;
  src_rect.y = sy;
  src_rect.w = dest_rect.w = sw;
  src_rect.h = dest_rect.h = sh;
  dest_rect.x = dx;
  dest_rect.y = dy;
  SDL_RenderCopy(ren, (SDL_Texture*)image, &src_rect, &dest_rect);
void draw_tile(void *image, unsigned int sx, unsigned int sy, unsigned int sw, unsigned int sh,
               unsigned int dx, unsigned int dy, float opacity, unsigned int flags) {
  ALLEGRO_COLOR colour = al_map_rgba_f(opacity, opacity, opacity, opacity);
  al_draw_tinted_bitmap_region((ALLEGRO_BITMAP*)image, colour, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, flags);
void draw_tile(void *image, unsigned int sx, unsigned int sy, unsigned int sw, unsigned int sh,
               unsigned int dx, unsigned int dy, float opacity, unsigned int flags) {
  DrawTextureRec((Texture2D*)image, (Rectangle) {sx, sy, sw, sh}, (Vector2) {dx, dy}, (Color) {opacity, opacity, opacity, opacity});

Object layers

In this section we will take advantage of the shape drawing functions provided by the library we are using, therefore we are limited by the availability of draw functions for each kind of shape.

void draw_polyline(double **points, double x, double y, int pointsc) {
  int i;
  for (i=1; i<pointsc; i++) {
    SDL_RenderDrawLine(ren, x+points[i-1][0], y+points[i-1][1], x+points[i][0], y+points[i][1]);

void draw_polygon(double **points, double x, double y, int pointsc) {
  draw_polyline(points, x, y, pointsc);
  if (pointsc > 2) {
    SDL_RenderDrawLine(ren, x+points[0][0], y+points[0][1], x+points[pointsc-1][0], y+points[pointsc-1][1]);

void draw_objects(tmx_object_group *objgr) {
  SDL_Rect rect;
  tmx_object *head = objgr->head;
  while (head) {
    if (head->visible) {
      if (head->obj_type == OT_SQUARE) {
        rect.x =     head->x;  rect.y =      head->y;
        rect.w = head->width;  rect.h = head->height;
        SDL_RenderDrawRect(ren, &rect);
      else if (head->obj_type  == OT_POLYGON) {
        draw_polygon(head->content.shape->points, head->x, head->y, head->content.shape->points_len);
      else if (head->obj_type == OT_POLYLINE) {
        draw_polyline(head->content.shape->points, head->x, head->y, head->content.shape->points_len);
      else if (head->obj_type == OT_ELLIPSE) {
        /* FIXME: no function in SDL2 */
    head = head->next;
#define LINE_THICKNESS 2.5

void draw_polyline(double **points, double x, double y, int pointsc, ALLEGRO_COLOR color) {
  int i;
  for (i=1; i<pointsc; i++) {
    al_draw_line(x+points[i-1][0], y+points[i-1][1], x+points[i][0], y+points[i][1], color, LINE_THICKNESS);

void draw_polygone(double **points, double x, double y, int pointsc, ALLEGRO_COLOR color) {
  draw_polyline(points, x, y, pointsc, color);
  if (pointsc > 2) {
    al_draw_line(x+points[0][0], y+points[0][1], x+points[pointsc-1][0], y+points[pointsc-1][1], color, LINE_THICKNESS);

void draw_objects(tmx_object_group *objgr) {
  ALLEGRO_COLOR color = int_to_al_color(objgr->color);
  tmx_object *head = objgr->head;
  while (head) {
    if (head->visible) {
      if (head->obj_type == OT_SQUARE) {
        al_draw_rectangle(head->x, head->y, head->x+head->width, head->y+head->height, color, LINE_THICKNESS);
      else if (head->obj_type  == OT_POLYGON) {
        draw_polygone(head->content.shape->points, head->x, head->y, head->content.shape->points_len, color);
      else if (head->obj_type == OT_POLYLINE) {
        draw_polyline(head->content.shape->points, head->x, head->y, head->content.shape->points_len, color);
      else if (head->obj_type == OT_ELLIPSE) {
        al_draw_ellipse(head->x + head->width/2.0, head->y + head->height/2.0, head->width/2.0, head->height/2.0, color, LINE_THICKNESS);
    head = head->next;
#define LINE_THICKNESS 2.5

void draw_polyline(double offset_x, double offset_y, double **points, int points_count, Color color) {
  int i;
  for (i=1; i<points_count; i++) {
    DrawLineEx((Vector2){offset_x + points[i-1][0], offset_y + points[i-1][1]},
               (Vector2){offset_x + points[i][0], offset_y + points[i][1]},
               LINE_THICKNESS, color);

void draw_polygon(double offset_x, double offset_y, double **points, int points_count, Color color) {
  draw_polyline(offset_x, offset_y, points, points_count, color);
  if (points_count > 2) {
    DrawLineEx((Vector2){offset_x + points[0][0], offset_y + points[0][1]},
               (Vector2){offset_x + points[points_count-1][0], offset_y + points[points_count-1][1]},
               LINE_THICKNESS, color);

void draw_objects(tmx_object_group *objgr) {
  tmx_object *head = objgr->head;
  Color color = int_to_color(objgr->color);

  while (head) {
    if (head->visible) {
      if (head->obj_type == OT_SQUARE) {
        DrawRectangleLinesEx((Rectangle){head->x, head->y, head->width, head->height}, LINE_THICKNESS, color);
      else if (head->obj_type  == OT_POLYGON) {
        draw_polygon(head->x, head->y, head->content.shape->points, head->content.shape->points_len, color);
      else if (head->obj_type == OT_POLYLINE) {
        draw_polyline(head->x, head->y, head->content.shape->points, head->content.shape->points_len, color);
      else if (head->obj_type == OT_ELLIPSE) {
        DrawEllipseLines(head->x + head->width/2.0, head->y + head->height/2.0, head->width/2.0, head->height/2.0, color);
    head = head->next;


For each game libraries, the final source file and a cmake build script can be fetched from libTMX’s example folder. Build and invoke the example to display the map.

cd sdl
mkdir build ; cd build
cmake ..
./sdl_example path/to/tiled/examples/rpg/island.tmx
cd allegro
mkdir build ; cd build
cmake ..
./al5_example path/to/tiled/examples/rpg/island.tmx
cd raylib
mkdir build ; cd build
cmake ..
./raylib_example path/to/tiled/examples/rpg/island.tmx

The expected output:


What next?

The renderer we implemented is quite simplistic, also it redraws the map at each iteration, and lacks a few features. Here are a few things you could do next:

  • Render the map onto a texture to greatly reduce the number of draw calls

  • Implement scrolling

  • Support animated tiles