
libTMX provides a few functions to load maps and use the hasmaps. To access a loaded map, see The Data Structure.

Load maps

tmx_map* tmx_load(const char *path)

Load a TMX map.

tmx_map* tmx_load_buffer(const char *buffer, int len)

Load a TMX map from the given buffer whose length is len.

tmx_map* tmx_load_fd(int fd)

Load a TMX map from a C file descriptor.

typedef int (*tmx_read_functor)(void *userdata, char *buffer, int len)

Definition of the tmx_read_functor callback.

tmx_map* tmx_load_callback(tmx_read_functor callback, void *userdata)

Load a TMX map using a callback function as defined above.

void tmx_map_free(tmx_map *map)

Free a loaded TMX map.

External resources

libTMX has a resource manager to store tilesets and object templates to avoid loading them twice or more.


tmx_resource_manager is a private type.

tmx_resource_manager* tmx_make_resource_manager()

Create a new resource manager.

void tmx_free_resource_manager(tmx_resource_manager *rc_mgr)

Free a resource manager.

Load resources and maps


int tmx_load_tileset(tmx_resource_manager *rc_mgr, const char *path)

Load a tileset at the given path in a resource manager.

int tmx_load_tileset_buffer(tmx_resource_manager *rc_mgr, const char *buffer, int len, const char *key)

Load a tileset from the given buffer in a resource manager.

int tmx_load_tileset_fd(tmx_resource_manager *rc_mgr, int fd, const char *key)

Load a tileset from a C file descriptor in a resource manager.

int tmx_load_tileset_callback(tmx_resource_manager *rc_mgr, tmx_read_functor callback, void *userdata, const char *key)

Load a tileset using a callback function in a resource manager.

Object Templates

int tmx_load_template(tmx_resource_manager *rc_mgr, const char *path)

Load a tileset at the given path in a resource manager.

int tmx_load_template_buffer(tmx_resource_manager *rc_mgr, const char *buffer, int len, const char *key)

Load a tileset from the given buffer in a resource manager.

int tmx_load_template_fd(tmx_resource_manager *rc_mgr, int fd, const char *key)

Load a tileset from a C file descriptor in a resource manager.

int tmx_load_template_callback(tmx_resource_manager *rc_mgr, tmx_read_functor callback, void *userdata, const char *key)

Load a tileset using a callback function in a resource manager.


tmx_map* tmx_rcmgr_load(tmx_resource_manager *rc_mgr, const char *path)

Load a TMX map, use a resource manager to resolve/store external resources.

tmx_map* tmx_rcmgr_load_buffer(tmx_resource_manager *rc_mgr, const char *buffer, int len)

Load a TMX map from the given buffer whose length is len, use a resource manager to resolve/store external resources.

tmx_map* tmx_rcmgr_load_fd(tmx_resource_manager *rc_mgr, int fd)

Load a TMX map from a C file descriptor, use a resource manager to resolve/store external resources.

tmx_map* tmx_rcmgr_load_callback(tmx_resource_manager *rc_mgr, tmx_read_functor callback, void *userdata)

Load a TMX map using a callback function as defined above. userdata is passed as-is. See tmx_read_functor.

Variants with virtual paths

In case you’re working with a virtual file system, you may use these variants accepting a virtual path:

tmx_map* tmx_rcmgr_load_buffer_vpath(tmx_resource_manager *rc_mgr, const char *buffer, int len, const char *vpath)

Load a TMX map from the given buffer whose length is len, with a given virtual path.

tmx_map* tmx_rcmgr_load_fd_vpath(tmx_resource_manager *rc_mgr, int fd, const char *vpath)

Load a TMX map from a C file descriptor, with a given virtual path.

tmx_map* tmx_rcmgr_load_callback_vpath(tmx_resource_manager *rc_mgr, tmx_read_functor callback, const char *vpath, void *userdata)

Load a TMX map using a callback function as defined above. userdata is passed as-is, with a given virtual path. See tmx_read_functor.


tmx_tile* tmx_get_tile(tmx_map *map, unsigned int gid)

Deprecated since version 1.0: use map->tiles[gid] instead, see tmx_map.tiles.

tmx_layer* tmx_find_layer_by_id(const tmx_map *map, int id)

Get a layer by its ID, see

tmx_layer* tmx_find_layer_by_name(const tmx_map *map, const char *name)

Get a layer by its name (user defined string, use with care, may not be unique), see

tmx_object* tmx_find_object_by_id(const tmx_map *map, unsigned int id)

Get an object by its ID, see

tmx_tileset_list* tmx_find_tileset_by_name(const tmx_map* map, const char* name)

Get a tileset by its name (user defined string, use with care, may not be unique), see

tmx_property* tmx_get_property(tmx_properties *hash, const char *key)

Get a property by its name.

typedef void (*tmx_property_functor)(tmx_property *property, void *userdata)

Definition of the tmx_property_functor callback, to be used with tmx_property_foreach().

void tmx_property_foreach(tmx_properties *hash, tmx_property_functor callback, void *userdata)

Call the given callback function for each properties, userdata is forwarded as-is. See tmx_property_functor.

Colour conversion functions

Helper functions to convert the unsigned int colour from the datastructure, see tmx_map.backgroundcolor, tmx_object_group.color, tmx_property_value.color.


4 unsigned bytes in the following order: r, g, b, a.

tmx_col_bytes tmx_col_to_bytes(uint32_t color);

Splits the colour into 4 bytes.


4 floats in the following order: r, g, b, a.

tmx_col_floats tmx_col_to_floats(uint32_t color);

Splits the colour into 4 floats.